PutBackground SUB Action Restores the background from the named buffer to the row and column coordinates specified. Syntax PutBackground row%, col%, buffer$ Remarks The PutBackground procedure uses the following arguments. row%, col% ---------- An integer pair that specifies absolute screen row and column coordinates. buffer$ ------- Name of the buffer variable where the defined area was stored by the GetBackground procedure. PutBackground is used in MENU.BAS to restore an area on the screen from a buffer, after closing a menu. PutBackground is also used in WINDOW.BAS to restore an area on the screen from a buffer, after closing a window. The complementary action, that of storing the background in a buffer before a menu or window is displayed, is performed by the GetBackground procedure. Normally, a background is restored to the coordinates from which it was previously saved before a menu or window was displayed. The PutBackground procedure checks the screen boundaries to ensure that the area can be properly restored to the screen. It then actually uses an assembly-language routine (PutCopyBox) to restore the screen background. When used with MENU.BAS and WINDOW.BAS, buffers created for each menu or window contain the background for the area occupied by the menu or window. When the menu or window is no longer displayed, the background for that area is restored to the screen. See Also. GetBackground, MenuDo, WindowDo, WindowRefresh, WindowShadowRefresh